Mine Management and Technical Services
Mine Management and Technical Services — Fire Creek Mine, Northern Nevada

Management & Technical Studies
Short, medium, and long-term mine plan for life of mine.
Narrow vein stopping

Geology Exploration
SERVICE(S)Mine Design, Mine Management
TYPEGold mine
SIZE10,000 oz/month
LOCATIONFire Creek Mine, Nevada
SOFTWARE USEDVulcan and VentSim
Roughstock’s geologists and engineers were also used to fill the roles of Senior Engineer and Senior Geologist, and completed oversight of mining and construction contractors. A detailed mine design using Vulcan 3-D software, and mine scheduling and sequencing using in-house scheduling software was completed. Roughstock personnel also completed long hole stope design and assisted with blasting methodology.
Roughstock provided management and technical services to the Fire Creek Mine in Northern Nevada. Steve Cutler acted as site General Manager for Fire Creek and advanced the site from a development project to a producing gold mine with production in excess of 10,000+ oz of gold per month. Roughstock filled technical roles in the geology and engineering departments and completed short, medium, and long-term mine plans, assisted in setting up a grade control system, and transitioned the mine to efficient cut and fill and resue mining with backfill. Roughstock personnel were also responsible for contractor oversight of both mining contractors and decline rehab contractors, and responsible for maintaining safety compliance, MHSA regulation compliance, and environmental compliance.

Geology Exploration

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