Mine ventilation that is both precise and deliberate
Ventilation Cooling and Heating Design Modern mines require robust ventilation systems for workers health and to meet MHSA gas and Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM) standards. Our staff is experienced in designing underground mines infrastructure to allow the most effective and cost-efficient ventilation systems. An overall effective mine design is completed to allow ventilation needs to be met and exceeded and allow the system to effectively grow with the mine. Roughstock utilizes VentSim mining software to model the designed ventilation system, and then compare with real-time vent data to fine-tune vent model.
Service Overview
We use a variety of state-of-the-art software to plan and design ventilation systems that are practical, safe and reliable for all types of underground mines.
Software 1Ventilation System Design Utilizing Vulcan Software.
Software 2Ventilation Modeling using Vent-Sim Software. RMS can create heat & particulate loading models which are very effective for managing DPM emissions.
Software 3Vertical Ventilation Infrastructure Design utilizing Alimaks and Raisebore Technology.