Mine Feasibility Study
Internal Feasibility Study — Underground Gold Mine — Brazil

Mine Feasibility Study
Expanded existing shaft, developed new internal shaft, diesel truck ramp, electric truck ramp & conveyor decline.
Underground Mine Infrastructure

Surface Core Drilling
SERVICE(S)Feasibility & QP
TYPEUnderground Gold Mine
LOCATIONMinas Gerais, Brazil
SOFTWARE USEDVulcan Design Software
Recent deep diamond drilling has proven the extension of the ore body down dip. Roughstock was retained to update the feasibility studies, determine the most viable options for Life-of-Mine infrastructure, and complete a schedule and budget to complete this project. A Life-of-Mine design with a dedicated truck ramp, vertical muck-haul infrastructure which included the first waste and ore pass systems in the mine with pneumatic chutes for truck loading. Production mining methods were reviewed and new long hole mine designs were introduced and designed.
Roughstock completed an Internal Feasibility trade-off study for a major international mining company at an underground gold mine in Brazil. The mine is a shaft access mine with multiple rubber-tire declines extending below the bottom of the shaft. Various feasibility studies have been completed to determine the most viable options to deepen the infrastructure of the mine. These include deepening of the existing shaft, developing a new internal shaft, developing a diesel truck ramp, developing an electric truck ramp, or developing a conveyor decline.

Surface Core Drilling

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